La Canela

Latin American Peruvian


"It is possible to judge good w/ a single sip..but it's much to be throughly sure"


(Lima, Peru)- crisp pale larger from lima. our capital city. hints of sweet European malt (12 oz bottle)


(Cuzco Peru)-‏ gold medal winner in Belgium's Monde selection 4 years in a row. pilsner type pale larger....just a small taste (12 oz bottle)

Estella Dam in Edit

(Barcelona, Spain)- this Belgian white (Whittier) is a golden yellow hints of citrus. designed by ferran Adria (750 ml bottle)

Pilsmer Urquell

(Plzen, Czech republic) the world's first pilsner. its unparalled expectionality is guaranteed by the same recipe dating from 1842 (12 oz bottle)

Gchmeider & Brookltner Hopfem-Weisse

(Kelheim, Germany).‏ Weizen bock, cloudy beer from Bavaria (16.9 oz bottle)

Hitachimo Nest White Ale

(Naka, Japan)- Belgian Witbier from japan. pale, opaque, w/ the crisp character of wheat..the chef's personal favorite! (23.4 oz bottle)

Gtella Artois

(Louven, Belgium)- light yellow pale larger w/ a sweet malty note (11.2 oz bottle)

Amstel Light

(Zoeterwoude, the‏ Netherland')- one of the most popular light pale largers from Europe (12 oz bottle)


Gam Adams Boston Larger

(Boston, ma)-full, rich flavor that is both balanced & complex. Possibily most popular larger in the east coast (12 oz bottle)

Gierra Nevada Gtout

(Paso robles, ca)- rich, coffee aroma w/ a little bit of underlying sweetness in the malt, hints of chocolate, jet black & creamy (12 oz bottle)

Dogfish Head 60 Min IPA

(Milton, de)- dogfish head's flagship ale. Citrus, cedar, pine & candied-orange flavors, very floral, pairs great w/ spicy ours! (12 Oz bottle)

Gierra Nevada Pale Ale

(Pale robles, ca)- classic American pale ale: deep amber color, exceptionally full-bodied & complex character (12 oz bottle)

Brooklym Larger

(Brooklyin, NY)- quickly becoming the "elite" of Vienna style largers: fresh, flowery, firm & flavorful w/ hints of caramel & pine (12 oz bottle)

Brooklym Brown Ale

(Brooklym, NY)- brown & creamy, hints of chocolate & coffee... an excellent American brown ale (12 oz bottle)

Victory v-12

(Downningtown, pa) this Belgian strong ale is excellent & local! it is spicy & yeasty w/ some red fruits & finishing w/ notes of caramel & brown sugar (750 ml bottle)


Dinner menu spring/summer

First Course Selections‏

Mini Cazuelita De Mondongo Y Garbanzos Con Aromas Del Norte Chico

Mini tripe & chick pea stew w/ all the flavors of northern lima

Ravioles Rellenos De Ají De Gallina, Huevo Escalfado a Baja Temperatura, Crutones De Botija

Aji de‏ gallina filled ravioli, low temperature poached egg, botija olive croutons

Calamarcitos a La Parrilla, Rissotto De Aceituna Botija Y Salchicha De Huacho, Emulsión De Rocoto

Grilled baby squid, botija olive & huachean sausage rissotto, rocoto ali oli

Partiendo De Una Gallina Chi Jau Kay, Pero Rellena De Cangrejo Y Camarones

A chinese peruvian classic made into appetizer: chicken breast filled w/ shrimp & lump crabmeat, eastern chi jau kay sauce

Papas Tibias Y Arenosas Cubiertas Con Salsa Huancaína, Huevo Duro, Aceituna Botija, Choclito Desgran

Steamed potatoes‏ covered in huancaina sauce garnished w/ hardboiled egg, peruvian botija olives, andean corn kernels

Yuquitas Rellenas De Cangrejo Tipo Jumbo Lump, Sarsita Criolla, Emulsión De Rocoto

Jumbo lump crabmeat filled yucca croquettes, sarsa criolla, rocoto emulsion

Chicharrón De Calamar Tal Cual Lo Sirven en Las Arenas De El Silencio en Verano, Bastones De Yuca, C

Fried calamari made just like in peru’s southern beaches, yucca logs, peruvian tar tar sauce

Chicharrones De Costilla De Cerdo Crocantes Y Con Sabor a Chincha, Chips De Camote, Sarza Criolla

Fresh pork‏ ribs cooked slowly to a golden crisp, sweet potato circles, sarza criolla

Anticuchos De Corazón Igual Al De La Anticuchera De La Esquina, Pero De Mantel, Papita Dorada, Chocl

Grilled marinated beef hearts, andean corn kernels, golden potato cubes the most popular peruvian “street food”

Pancita De Cerdo Al Caramelo De Dátiles Con Una Ligera Crema De Pallares

Fork tender pork belly caramelized w/ egyptian dates, butter bean puree


Un Trio De Ceviches en Su Versión Costa (Ají Limo), Sierra (Ají Amarillo) Y Selva (Rocoto) Con Sus R

A tasting of ceviches from the coastal, mountain, & jungle region

Un Ceviche Mixto O De Pescado Preparado Y Servido De La Forma Tradicional, Picantito Y Fresco

Traditional peruvian ceviche, served in the traditional peruvian way, seasonal fish or mixed w/ seafood

Ceviche en Versión Mini, Media Porción Del Normal Para Abrir El Apetito

Traditional peruvian seasonal fish ceviche in a reduced version

Tiradito De Perico Servido a Nuestra Manera

Thinly sliced mahi mahi tiradito marinated in lime juice w/ creamy aji emulsions

Soups & Salads‏

Crema De Verdura Del Día Con Sus Respectivas Guarniciones

Cream of vegetable of the day, garnishes

Chupe De Camarones Estilo Arequipeño Pero Con Unos Toques Modernos

Creamy shrimp soup made w/ reduced shrimp broth, butternut squash, lima beans, poached egg, potatoes & just a touch of cream

Dieta De Pollo Como El De La Abuela Con Sus Verduritas Y Fideo Cabello De ángel

Peruvian style chicken soup w/ assorted vegetables & angel hair pasta

Lechugas Variadas Con Tomate, Zanahoria, Tocino, Huevo Duro Y Crutones De Aceituna De Botija, Con Em

Mixed greens tossed w/ tomatoes, carrots, maple bacon, hard boiled egg & botija olive croutons, choice of honey mustard or creamy peruvian vinaigrette

Ensalada Caesar Tradicional, Todo Hecho en Casa, Crutones De Aceituna De Botija

Traditional caesar salad, botija olive croutons

Ensalada De Tomate Y Palta Palmitos Marinados, Lechuga Romaine Y Vinagreta Peruana

Tomato & avocado salad, marinated hearts of palm, romain lettuce, creamy peruvian vinaigrette

Main Course Selection

Arroz Con Pato Hecho Como en Pimentel Color Y Sabor Norteno, Aromas a Cerveza Y Culantro, Salcita Hu

Moullard duck leg cooked until tender & served w/ cilantro & beer scented jasmine rice, huancaina ali oli, sarza criolla

Aji De Gallina Tradicional a Este Plato No Se Le Puede Alterar Nada, Perfecto Como Nacio

Shredded chicken breast cooked in a milk soaked bread/aji amarillo sauce, steamed potatoes, botija olives, hardboiled egg

Pollo Saltado Con Cebollas Julienne, Tomate Y Cebollita China, Arroz Jazmin

Boneless breast tips sautéed in olive oil w/ thick julienne onions, tomato wedges, hand cut fries, jasmine rice

Canilla De Cordero Estofada Lentamente en Una Salsa De Panca Cabernet, Morusa De Pallares

10 hour lamb shank braised slowly in an aji panca cabernet sauce until fork tender, butter bean puree, caramelized onions

Filet Mignon De 9 Oz Cocinado La Parrilla, Noquis De Papa en Una Salsa De Huancaina Tibia, Salsa De

Fork tender filet mignon flame broiled to your desired temperature, hhouse made potato gnoqui in a warm huancaina sauce, peruvian pesto

Chuletón De Ribeye Cocido a La Parrilla Y Servido a Lo Pobre

Thick & juicy grilled rib eye steak served w/ fried plantain, fried egg, hand cut garlic fries & all our sauces on the side. Garlic scented jasmine rice upon request

Asado De Tira Cocido a Baja Temperatura Y Servido Tal Como Un Seco Norteno, Pure De Frijoles Canario

Boneless short ribs stewed slowly in a cilantro based dark beer sauce, canary bean puree, garlic scented jasmine rice

Lomo Saltado Pero De Lomo Fino, Servido Como Usted Desee Tradicional, Con Tacu Tacu Montado, O en Fo

Beef tenderloin tips sautéed w/ julienne onions, tomato wedges w/ a vinager reduction sauce, served w/ your choice of hand cut fries, tacu tacu w/ a fried egg, or w/ linguini

Fettuccini Al Pesto Tradicional Servido Junto a Su Bistek Apanado, Huancaína Ali Oli

Peruvian style pesto fettuccini served w/ a a thin breaded sirloin steak, huanacaina ali oli

Tacu Tacu Servido a Lo Pobre Pero Con Bistek Apanado, Sarza Criolla

Stewed canary beans mixed w/ rice & fried in just a toch of olive oil, served w/ thin breaded sirloin steak, plantains & a fried egg

Arroz Con Mariscos Tradicional Con Mariscos De Todos Los Tamaños Y Colores

Fresh seafood of all colors & sizes cooked w/ jasmine rice, wine & peruvian spices served w/ huancaina ali oli, sarza criolla

Lenguado Entero Re Frito Con Salsa De Ajo, Papita Dorada, Sarza Criolla, Arroz Jazmín Blanco

Whole one pound flounder, pan fried & served whole, topped w/ a butter garlic sauce, fried potato slices, sarza criolla, garlic scented jasmine rice upon request

Lomito De Corvina a La Plancha Y Servido “a Lo Macho” Sobre Un Tamalito Verde Que Absorbe Todo El Ju

Broiled corvina‏ fillet, served w/ a traditional seafood sauce made w/ white wine & dried panca peppers, peruvian green tamale

Como Un Aji De Camarones Jumbo, Pero a Nuestra Manera, Servidos Simplemente Con Arroz Blanco Y Nuece

Jumbo shrimp cooked in a milk soaked bread/aji amarillo sauce, served w/ garlic scented white rice & caramelized wallnuts

Trucha Entera De 8 Oz, Frita a La Sartén Tal Cual La De Un Almuerzo Dominical, Pastelito De Yuca, Sa

Whole 8oz rainbow trout marinated in lime juice & just a hint of ginger, dusted w/ seasoned flour & pan fried to a golden crisp, reduction sauce

“Bistek” De Pez Espada a La Parrilla, Sudado De Choritos Con Sus Respectivas Verduritas, Arroz Jasmi

Broiled swordfish steak, stewed mussels w/ onions & tomato, cilantro jasmine rice

Our Sides‏

Frijoles Canarios Estofados Lentamente, Los De Siempre

Stewed peruvian canary beans

Bastones De Yucas Fritas Servidas Con Salsa Huancaina

Yucca lincoln logs served w/ huancaina sauce

Arroz Jasmin Con Aromas a Ajo Y Aceite De Olive, Nuestro Arroz Indispensable

Garlic & olive oil scented jasmine rice

Platanos Maduros Fritos, Servidos Con Crema Ligera

Sweet fried plantains served w/ a slightly sour cream

Papas Fritas Cortadas a Mano Y Con Un Ligero Aroma a Ajo

Hand cut garlic scented fries

Los Dulces‏

Parma Colta De Lucuma

Panna cotta de lucumay queso mascarpone, ganache de chocolate. Crunch de almendras, pasas borrachas lucuma & mascarpone cheese panna coita, dark chocolate ganache, almond crunch, pisco drunk raisins

Pic Arones

Picarones con‏ miel de chancaca/perivian style doughnuts made w/ sweet potato & squash, served w/ chancaca syrop

Crema Volteada De Oueso

Como un flan de queso, pero mas cremoso, crunch de almendras, frambuesas/a marrige between a creme caramel & a cheesecake w/ aromas of myer lemon, fresh raspberries, almond crunch

Panna Cotta De Chirimoya

Clasico postre italian pero con sabor a chirimoya fresca, cuts de frambuesa, moras frescas/fresh cherimoya flavored panna colt, raspberry coulis, fresh blackberries

Torta Tres Leches

Nuestra version‏ del famoso postre latino pero semi peruanizado/our version of fomous tres leches cake creme anglaise rasperry coulis

Creme Brulee De Quinoa

Creme brulee con sabor a dulce de quinoa y azucar quemada encima/quinoa & cinnamon infused creme brulee